Let us help you find your way to 26 South Camp Road, Kingston 4...

26 South Camp Road has 6 schools on the property including the Alpha Institute which is home to the Alpha Vocational Training Centre and the Alpha School of Music.
To find the Alpha School of Music from Camp Road, at the intersection with Deanery Road continue down Camp Road as if you area heading downtown. Once you go through the stop light at the intersection of Camp Road and Deanery Road you are now on South Camp Road and The Alpha Institute gate is the first gate on the left.

Jamaica Nice. is a proud supporter of Alpha Boys School Radio and the Alpha School of Music. Part proceeds from the sale of every Jamaica Nice. top and accessory supports the community. Jamaica Nice. funds music scholarships for tertiary students, workshops and educational experiences for Jamaicans at the high school and college level, teaching residencies for foreign music educators at schools in Jamaica and international exchanges for students and teachers. Click for our latest activities.